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Tire Balancing

If a front wheel’s out of balance you’ll feel the vibration through the steering wheel. When it’s a rear tire, you’ll feel the vibration through your seat. If you’re getting bad vibes from your vehicle, bring it in to see if it’s a balance issue or something else. You should balance your wheels whenever you get a new tire or remount a tire like when it’s been removed for a flat repair.

Tire Rotation

In normal driving , your front tires wear more on the shoulders because they handle much of the cornering forces in turns. Front-wheel drive vehicles have even more force on the front tires.

We rotate the tires so that all of the tires do some duty on the front end as well as getting a little break on the back end. That way, all four tires wear more evenly over their life and last longer.

Hunter Revolution Tire changer
  1. It’s the only fully automatic tire machine
  2. Has computerized dismounting hooks that lift the bead with NO RIM CONTACT
  3. Avoids and remembers tire sensor location to prevent costly repairs
  4. Has bead message technology that seals tire to rim to prevent future leaks
  5. Can Handle any tire, any size, run flats, and performance tires
Tire Pressure Monitoring

Flats, blow outs, skids and longer stopping distances can all be the result of Chippewa Lake folks driving around on under-inflated tires. Now, it’s hard to tell when a radial tire is under-inflated but your service technician at Quality Automotive can help you. The tire may not look low until it gets below 20 pounds – which is significantly under-inflated.

Tire Purchases

For most auto owners buying tires is a big deal, so consult with your helpful Quality Automotive of Medina tire professional about proper size, type and grade for your driving needs. He can help you balance load requirements, fuel economy, performance, durability and cost.

A Name We Trust
The Penny Test

If you are wondering if your tires are worn but don’t know how to check them yourself, the easiest way is to perform the penny test. The tread on your tires should be more than 2/32 of an inch deep. To check, insert a U.S. penny into the tread of your tires with Lincoln’s head facing down. If the top of Lincoln’s head is covered by tread, there is at least a minimum acceptable amount of tread. If the top of his head is visible at any point, your tires are worn out and need to be replaced.

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